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Battle Of Jakku Codesl: Learn More About the Rebel Victory and the Empire's Last Stand

Battle of Jakku, the pivotal moment when the New Republic confronted key Imperial holdouts on a remote desert planet. Taking place in the aftermath of the Rebel victory in the Battle of Endor, players will experience the events that created the massive, battle-scarred landscape of Jakku shown in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Players who order Battle of Jakku DLC can fight the battle one week early; all other players will get access to this content on Tuesday, 8 December 2015.

Battle Of Jakku Codesl

Following the destruction of the Empire's new battle station, along with the death of Emperor Palpatine and his right-hand man Darth Vader, the Rebel Alliance's successor government the New Republic would slowly push its way towards the Empire's capital of Coruscant in an effort to restore freedom to the galaxy.[12] The New Republic re-established the Galactic Senate on Chandrila. Over the next year, the New Republic would win a string of victories against the Empire, and liberated numerous worlds including Akiva, Sevarcos,[13] Kuat, Arkanis, and Kashyyyk from Imperial rule.[14]

Following some deadlock in the Galactic Senate, Chancellor Mothma managed to secure sufficient votes to send New Republic forces to Jakku. After a fierce space and land battle, New Republic forces led by Admiral Ackbar managed to break the Imperial defenses by downing Rax's flagship, the Super Star Destroyer Ravager. Norra and Sloane then joined forces to stop Rax from detonating Jakku's core. After Rax's death, Sloane fled into the Unknown Regions with Commandant Brendol Hux, his son Armitage, and a contingent of Rax's child soldiers aboard a replica of the Emperor's yacht Imperialis.[2]

Jakku is a desert planet that will feature in the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. It has already been seen in several teaser trailers, where the film's main characters Finn, Rey and droid BB-8 were introduced. Nearly 30 years before the events of The Force Awakens, as the Rebels attempt to finish off the Empire following their crushing victory at the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi, Jakku was the scene of a fierce battle between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire.

Andrew Reiner and Wade Wojcik shoot some Storm Troopers, avoid AT-ATs, and marvel at the Star Destroyers in the sky on a planet that definitely isn't Tatooine below. Jakku will appear in the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but in terms of timeline, the battle you're seeing here takes place about 30 years before the events of the new film. The DLC is free for all, but is available a little early today for those who pre-ordered the game. It will be available for everyone else on December 8. It includes a new map (Jakku) and a new mode.

The Battle of Jakku takes place in the aftermath of the Rebel victory in the Battle of Endor, and players will experience the events that created the massive, battle-scarred landscape of Jakku shown in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Temmin Wexley built Mister Bones using spare parts he scavenged from an old Separatist factory three years before the Battle of Endor. Temmin created the droid with the help of a mysterious and unique droid who he encountered while scavenging for parts near the factory. The mysterious droid offered assistance with enhancing the battle droids unique features and showing Temmin new tricks for maintaining Bones. Once Temmin had what he needed to complete Mister Bones, the mysterious droid told Temmin that he reminded him of his own maker, before vanishing from the face of the planet Akiva never to be seen again. Since Temmin had no friends and was bullied by his peers. Bones became a close friend to the adolescent human boy; whose dad Brentin had been taken away by the Empire and whose mom Norra had left him to join the rebellion. Norra had left Temmin in the care of his aunt Esmelle and her wife Shirene. However, his aunt proved to be unable to manage him. By the age of fifteen, Temmin had moved back to his family home, which he converted into a junk shop. Unable to turn to his family, Temmin came to treat Bones as his best friend.

After escaping his mother, Temmin returned to the storehouse only to discover that Bones was immobilized, and that Temmin himself was captured by Surat's lackeys. Later, Temmin was rescued by the bounty hunter Jas Emari and the former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus. During the struggle, Temmin managed to reactivate Mister Bones, who then attacked several Imperial troopers and Surat's henchmen. He quickly killed the Stormtroopers and their officer with his Vibroblade. Bones' intervention allowed Temmin, Jas, and Sinjir to escape in Norra's bala-bala speeder. The battle droid survived the skirmish but was seriously damaged and lost his non-Vibroblade arm. Despite the serious damage, Bones managed to limp to Esmelle's house, where his master Temmin and his rescuers were seeking refuge. Upon greeting his master, Bones short-circuited and broke down. Temmin quickly set about repairing his companion, using spare parts he had managed to salvage from Esmelle's basement workshop. Due to the scarce materials, Temmin was forced to improvise by replacing Bones' missing arm with that of an astromech droid's leg. Regarding astromech's as inferior, Bones whined about his "non-arm". Temmin assured him that he would be fixed when they went to the shop.

Even with the loss of his Vibroblade arm, Mister Bones vowed to continue serving his master. Temmin also thanked his battle droid for coming back. Bones later followed his Master Temmin, who reluctantly agreed to helped Norra Wexley, the bounty hunter Jas Emari, and the former Imperial Sinjir liberate the New Republic pilot Wedge Antilles from Imperial captivity at Satrap Isstra Dirus's palace. Norra wanted to rescued Wedge and inspire the people of Akiva to revolt against the Empire. Part of Norra's plan involved seizing control of an Imperial communications station. After Sinjir had bluffed his way into the building, Bones stormed the building and used both his Vibroblade and astromech leg arms to kill a few Stormtroopers. Bones then recorded a faux recording of Sinjir, dressed as an Imperial officer, shooting Temmin dead. This was part of a propaganda broadcast that Norra transmitted to the people of Akiva. This had the effect of inspiring a popular uprising on the planet. After finishing the broadcast, Bones killed a moth with his Vibroblade arm. After uploading their broadcast, Bones and his companions fled onto the roof only to be cornered by two TIE fighters.

They were immediately confronted by the prison's computer system SOL-GDA, which demanded that they yielded the password. When the rebels failed to supply the password, SOL-GDA dispatched security droids to "incorporate" them. Amidst the chaos, Mister Bones began using his vibroblade to saw through various objects including a door. Temmin managed to rouse the battle droid by appealing to his lust for violence and danger. Mister Bones used his vibroblades to slash at the security droids, destroying several in the process. Bones managed to fight his way into the chamber containing the stasis cells where the prisoners were being held. Despite losing one arm and twisting one of his metallic legs, Bones managed to fight his way to free Norra, who had been captured by several droids. At that moment, Jas Emari managed to disable the cable connecting the stasis cells to the computer system thus deactivating SOL-GDA. Norra's team and Han then freed a hundred prisoners including Chewbacca and Temmin's father Brentin. Mister Bones accompanied Temmin, Norra, and the liberated prisoners back to Chandrila on Solo's freighter, the Millennium Falcon. Meanwhile, Jom, Sinjir, and Jas stayed behind with Han and Chewbacca to liberate the Wookiees from Imperial rule.

Bones and his companions traveled on their shuttle towards the valley below the Plaintive Hand plateau, where the survivors had gathered. Before they could capture Sloane and her companion Brentin, Gallius Rax arrived with three shuttles and took Sloane and Brentin prisoner. Despite this setback, Norra's team managed to find an unlikely ally in the form of Niima. In return for bring the wounded Hutt back to her headquarters, Niima agreed to give them the clearance codes needed to enter Gallius Rax's Imperial base, where Sloane and Brentin were held. Niima also furnished them with an old Imperial shuttle and old Imperial uniforms. However, none of the uniforms fitted the seasoned battle droid. Before they could leave, Jas was cornered by the bounty hunters Mercurial Swift, Embo, Dengar, and the Rodian Jeeta. While Jas distracted the bounty hunters, Bones and Norra departed on the shuttle for the Imperial base. Their departure time coincided with the beginning of the climatic Battle of Jakku, which ended the Galactic Civil War in the New Republic's favor. Norra and Mister Bones' stolen Imperial shuttle soon found itself in a thick aerial battle over the skies of Jakku.

Due to the damage he had sustained earlier, Mister Bones began to malfunction and made a remark about blasting meatbags, momentarily mistaking Norra for Temmin. After realizing his error, Bones apologized. Their shuttle was soon pursued by a T-65C-A2 X-Wing starfighter piloted by Temmin. Temmin had managed to convince Wedge Antilles to re-establish Phantom Squadron and enter the battle. Temmin disabled one of the shuttle's engines. Recognizing that his master was flying the X-Wing, Bones lowered the shuttle's ramp and waved to Temmin. Bones managed to broadcast his voice into the com of Temmin's X-wing. Bones used his mechanical systems to create an improvised com so that Temmin and his mother could talk. Norra told her son that she was heading to an Imperial base in the Sinking Fields. She also mentioned that she had Mister Bones with her and that the droid had saved her live. Norra also told Temmin not to follow her to the well-fortified Imperial base. Before returning to the dogfight, Temmin told Mister Bones to take care of his mother, an order which Mister Bones agreed to do. 2ff7e9595c

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